Students will be evaluated by two means; continuous assessments end semester examination.Of the total marks earns 20% will be for the continuous assessments and 80% for the end semester examination.

The Continuous assessments for the given course units will be decided by the lecturer concern and this has to be a minimum of two assignments/ quizzes/ mid-term examination/ discussion forums/ take home assignments/ projects up till any number as per the requirement of the lecturer for each course unit. Yet, the highest marks of two assessments of each student will be taken as the continuous assessment marks. And the method of assessing will be informed to the students at the beginning of the semester by the respective lecturer. Final examination will be conducted at the end of each semester and students deemed to have passed in a course units if candidates earn at least 50% of the due. However final examination will be conducted in the formal method adapted for other examination in the universities.


Projects/Practical works

In order to develop required skills the students will be taken to field visits and projects will be assigned depending on the subject area and considered as method of continuous assessment.


Grading and Degree Awarding Criteria

Marks obtained in respect of a course unit will be graded according to a twelve category system given below in par with the Commission Circular No. 901 dated 25th November 2008.

Range of Marks Obtained out of 100 Grade Assigned Grade Point Value
85-100 A+ 4.0
75-84 A 4.0
70-74 A- 3.7
65-69 B+ 3.3
60-64 B 3.0
55-59 B- 2.7
50-54 C+ 2.3
40-49 C 2.0
35-39 C- 1.7
31-35 D+ 1.3
26-30 D 1.0
00-25 E 00


Degree Awarding Criteria

In order to obtain a bachelor degree from the Faculty of Management Studies, a student shall be required to:


General Pass

  • Earn a minimum GPA of not less than 2.00 for each semester, a minimum overall GPA of 2.00 for the entire degree program,
  • Not having any E grade.,
  • Not having more than one either D, D+ or C- grade per semester and the total number of D, D+ or C- grades should not exceed 04 for the entire degree program,
  • Fulfill all the requirements, from (a) to (c) above within a maximum period of six academic years.


Award of the classes

First class

A student will be awarded a degree with First Class provided that he/she earns,

  • Earned a minimum GPA of not less than 3.70 for the entire degree program,
  • Earned grades of A- or better for at least half of the total number of credits assigned for the entire degree program,
  • Earned no grades below C for any course in the degree program,
  • Completed these requirements at the first attempt.


Second Class (Upper Division)

A student will be awarded a degree with Second Class (Upper Division) provided he/she earns and,

  • Earned a minimum GPA of not less than 3.30 for the entire degree program,
  • Earned grades of B+ or better for at least half of the total number of credits assigned for the degree program ,
  • Earned no grades below C and one of the C grade could be after upgrading a D, D+ or C -,
  • Earned no any E grades at the first attempt .
  • Completed these requirements within three academic years


Second Class (Lower Division)

A student will be awarded a degree with Second Class (Lower Division) provided he/she earns and,

  • Earned a minimum GPA of not less than 3.00 for the entire program ,
  • Earned grades of B or better for at least half of the total number of credits assigned for the degree program ,
  • Earned no grades below C in the degree program other than one course unit Earned no any E grades at the first attempt ,
  • Complete the Degree Programme within a period of three academic years from the date of registration.


Repeat Student

A repeat candidate shall be passed by the end semester examination of the immediate next semester/semesters of study program. However marks earned for the continuous examinations will be brought forward to the subsequent semester/semesters evaluation for the course unit concerned. Candidate who are not successful at the continuous examinations are required to submit assignment to reach the slandered in the next attempt. The repeat candidate will be given maximum of C grads for the repeat course units concerned.


General Information

  • A student who earns either a grade C- and below in a particular course unit, may sit the repeat examination for the purpose of upgrading. The highest grade attainable in this instance would be C. In the event of a student earning a lower grade, the previous grade will be upheld.
  • In case of failing a course unit(s) the candidate may sit for three repeat attempts to complete the degree. However, the Senate on the advice of the Faculty Board may allow grace chance to complete the requirement.
  • The answer scripts of the semester examination will be evaluated by two independent examiners appointed by the University Senate, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board.


Evaluation of Medical and Repeat candidates

A student who has submitted a valid medical certificate for a particular course will be considered as a proper candidate once the certificate approved by the faculty board and the senate of the university and he/she is offered the original grade earned at the examination. A medical certificate should be submitted to the examination branch within 14 days once after the examination of the respective subject.

 Candidate who earns a grade less than C for a particular course also is given an opportunity to repeat the examination and upgrade it to a maximum of C.